2 minute Rangolis :)

Here are some small Freehand Rangoli which you can draw in front of your home daily.

Diwali Rangoli in Office

Celebrating Diwali at the office was awesome. People had worn their traditional best and landed up while there were those among us that resorted to the more traditional rangoli in order to add some color to the festivities.

Here are some of them.

Stencil Rangoli

Using stencil you can make complex rangoli designs. Just sprinkle different colors on different design areas of stencil. This makes stunning colorful rangolies.

Below are a few examples of using different colors in different designs of stencil.

Diwali Rangoli Designs/ Kaarthigai Deepam Rangoli

Kaarthigai Deepam is a festival of  lights celebrated in all over India.  It is also considered as the extension of the Deepavali festival. In some houses, they double the number of lamps every day from the day of Deepavali and this way, they end up with a number of lamps on the day of Kaarthigai Deepam. 

New Diwali Rangoli Design 2010

Note: Click on image to view larger size.

This is a beautiful sanskar bharti rangoli drawn in a semi circle extended into a rectangle. Sanskar bharti rangoli which are in rectangular or square shape are called "Galicha Rangoli" .

Diya Rangoli Designs

These are few rangoli designs to jazz up the simple diyas.

Draw a freehand design with color rangoli and placed lighted diyas on it. It looks wonderful.

A Tribute to Christopher R. Al-Aswad

Entered into life July 16th 1979 -
Escaped into life July 27th 2010

When Chris set up this Online Arts Journal just a little over a year ago, he dedicated it to his late mother, the artist Rosalind Al-Aswad.

Shocked by his untimely death, his bereft family and followers feel that an appropriate way to honor Chris’s vision is to keep his beloved journal going. Escape into Life is now also dedicated to Chris, its inspiring and charismatic founder. It is his legacy and also, we hope, his enduring monument.

In the last incomplete essay that Chris wrote before his passing, he explored his dream of blending visual and litereray arts through this online journal. Though unfinished and almost in note form, Chris’s distinctive voice shines through. It is reproduced below, incomplete as it was found.

When Visual Art Becomes Poetry

The complex inter-relationship between literary art and visual art is like an enigma to me.

This is not an intellectual puzzle I’m trying to figure out in my early 30′s. This is my life. This is what Escape into Life, online arts journal, embodies: the fusion of two types of media; art and literature; and the urge to discover what happens when a journal allows both forms to meld and grow as an organic whole.

pEscape into Life aims to explore, enmesh, and mostly, to uncover the core similarities of the two through the growth and development of technology, community, and inquiry.

At the most basic level, there’s poetry and there’s visual art; separate and distinct forms of artistic expression. Nonetheless–the history of visual art and the history of literature reflect each other to such a degree that it would seem visual artists and poets are made from the same

It’s more like an intuition has grown over the years. Undoubtedly, my parents, my upbringing, my talents and lack thereof, contributed to these two equally strong influences in my life. Mixed exposure to both literary and visual art.

Escape into Life, online arts journal, is basically a new media experiment to blend, meld, mesh, mingle, interrelate, bind, juxtapose, and interpenetrate the two forms of art.

The best comparison is to a scholar or a scientist who comes to discover that their life-work revolves around a single theme.

Of course, there is reason for my interest in this subject of art and literature; and how they remain separate and distinct and yet intricately enmeshed. My mother was an oil-painter, I was exposed to art at an early age, and I was brought up in her creative shadow.

–and a life-long exploration of mine–that fuels the very online arts journal you are reading right now, called Escape into Life.

I have no philosophy or common goal I wish to convert our readers to. There is no academic bent or political ideology behind this journal.

Escape into Life pushes the boundaries of visual art, literature, and poetry.

Nocturne by Michael Cheval

Essays by Chris Al-Aswad

Chris published his writing online under his pen name Lethe Bashar. Lethe Bashar is also the lead character he used in the Novel of Life. Chris wrote the Novel of Life as a “recording”, a fictional history of his adolescence, to have a more comprehensive understanding of the past. He wrote 22 chapters in all. A continuance of the Novel of Life is Las Vegas, a graphic novel completed with 61 chapters. He also was writing The Book of Innocence, better known as The Blog of Innocence. These were chapters of his “present” life as it happened beginning in the year 2008. Chris intended to publish four volumes of essays online but he only published the two below.

Taking Off the Mask Essays Volume I

Sentimental Education: Essays in Art Volume II

More of Chris’s writing can be found in his Collected Essays.


Poems by Chris Al-Aswad

The Pleasures are Fleeting

the pleasures are fleeting,
on some days you’re wondering
if they even exist
but in the slow station
of all our lives, a moment of being
comes and goes, lingers for awhile
out of a plateau, pleasures rise
this wondrous hot spring
fills you with momentary delight
and even the thoughts you are thinking
echo with reason and brilliance
and even the coffee tastes incredibly rich
so you want more of the experience
and less of the waiting, I suggest
a simple remedy, I suggest
breathing, maybe taking a break with me
on the pier, we’ll sit and listen to
the waves crash


The Swan of my Youth

I awoke in the middle of a summer night,
To see her resting outside my window,
Reposing on a patch of lilacs, crashed
Flowers under her sparse plumage, looking out-of-place,
And out-of-time, depleted after many summers
Of migrating between the many lakes,
Searching for food or friendship or refuge from
The ill-tempered geese.
Unfurling her long neck, she assumed the pale moon,
And conveyed her solemn song with dignity.

My mother painted a self-portrait
That now hangs in my apartment,
I am staring at that painting now,
Remembering how, in her final days,
She retreated into her room,
And held herself there--above all of nature--
Without the taint of fear.
I remember when I rushed into her room, crying
How she poised herself,
Without a single feather stirring.

Anxious child beating in my heart

the anxious child beating in my heart is you furious whirling child of discontent and love you disentangle with grace never losing touch with unmistakable anguish you fall belatedly to the bottom of the world

a cycle will remake you as a cycle broke you down and all your thoughts about the world won't matter

i'm young again with you i'm blind and naked and undefeated anxious child come dance with me

what are you afraid of only lovers speak this way what are you running from timid infant on a wave

the dark engulfing world will cower behind you and me

Read more of Chris's poetry in Collected Poems , and in his e-book Purposeless Solitude – Selected Poems by Lethe Bashar

Podcasts by Chris Al-Aswad

In addition to his Blog of Innocence podcast, Chris started a YouTube channel in 2008 to explore and share what he had learned through his life experiences. Among the topics he wanted to talk about were poetry, philosophy and writing. In the video below, Chris talks about the characters in Dead Souls, a Russian novel by Nikolai Gogol.

The following is an excerpt Chris wrote in his own handwriting, from Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood by William Wordsworth.

From all of us who follow and love Escape into Life, thank you Chris, for everything.

Peacock Rangoli

Note: Click on image to view larger size.

Diya Stand from Junk Cds

Note: Click on images to view in larger size.

Ever though of what to do with the old junk compact discs. Then here is one of the best ways to reuse the old cds. Just draw some freehand floral designs using acyrilic colors.

Place the diyas in the center. When the lighted diyas are kept on decorative cds, the reflection of the flame from the cd's surface looks very beautiful.

Try it out.

Diwali is around the corner, so dig out all the junk cds and make some decorative diya stands.

Wedding Sanskar Bharti Rangoli

The central design is of Dhol. This a typical sanskar bharti rangoli drawn during weddings.

Latest Sanskar Bharti Rangoli

A very bright and colorful sanskar bharti rangoli. It takes only 15-20 mins to make this kind of rangoli.

Just spread the colors and draw big simpler freehand designs, instead of going for intricate designs.

Mural Painting

Swastik Rangoli Design

This is a simple sanskar bharti or you can say a freehand rangoli design. The swastik has been drawn artistically with curved loops. The "jaali" design is drawn by sprinkling rangoli held between four fingers.

Shreekar Sanskar Bharti Rangoli Design

This is a magnificent shreekar sanskar bharti rangoli. Magnificent because of its size and the rich and vibrant colors used.

The Shree in the center is drawn artistically with the little intricate loop designs. 

The "jaali" design can be seen at the start of the green circle. This is drawn by sprinkling rangoli held between four fingers. 

Sentimental Education: Essays in Art

The visual arts have been at the center of my life from my earliest memories. My mother was a painter and she taught me to observe the world intently; she also conveyed the mysteries of the creative artist; a love of introspection; and an intelligence built on association. My father had a passion for classical literature and he taught me the importance of words, sentences, logic. He introduced thematic concerns. My own form of expression, I like to believe, is a combination of the two.

My sentimental education was not based on failed romances, or successful ones, for that matter. But my maturity to appreciate art. I believe visual art is born in the emotional realm, that it lives in emotion as a human being lives in the open air. A poet once said that art leaves the imprint of the artist’s emotions as she creates.

I hope these essays carry a sense of experimental wonder to whomever reads them; also a love of beautiful forms, and a sadness toward self-destruction. Because I am not a visual artist, I have the privilege of looking on, the privilege of an outsider’s point of view. I admire painting, drawing, illustration, photography, architecture, even music, like a little boy mystified by a magic trick. Literature and writing, on the other hand, is a trick I wish to learn.

Diwali Kolam Design

Kolam is a rangoli pattern, in which a line runs once around each dot and goes to the beginning point as a mostly geometrical figure.

Kolams can be drawn in free style and colored.

Decorate with diyas.

Gustave Dore's Sketchbook

is a poem cycle I'm beginning that joins my love of visual art and classical literature. Gustave Dore (b. 1832-1883) illustrated scores of literary masterpieces including Paradise Lost, Idylls of the King, The Divine Comedy and Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I purchased a book not so long ago that presents his illustrations alongside thirteen of these literary works, and just recently the thought occurred to me to make use of this edition by taking certain selections and writing my own poems based on the original works. I foresee the poem cycle as an assemblage of literary classics, each a fragment from a larger work, placed into a context of my own creation and its development, but reflecting the Romantic style of Dore's illustrations, and the styles of the authors from which each poem will take its inspiration.

The first poem of my cycle is based on "Geraint and Enid," from Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Idylls of the King. The poem follows lines 314-344 of "Geraint and Enid". I use the stanzaic structure of the original poem as well as employ some of the exact words or lines in the original.

Then Lethe awoke and stood before his bed,
he didn't know if it was early morning
or if the shadows on the floor meant night.
he looked and saw that all was ruinous
here sulked an unfed plant and here
the milk for the cats, licked to the last
drop, like a plate of steel burnished with neglect,
like a bowl that remains empty for weeks,
and the carpets collected parts of insects,
wings, antennas, torsos, trapped
by monstrous dust while brown stems
grew along the wallpaper and made a map
of bifurcations, and looked like a deserted
territory some poet once dreamed up.

And while he waited in the living room,
the voice of Rosalind, Lethe's mother, spoke
directly from the pencil drawing he hung
on the wall beside the door, and the voice
confounded him, as an unprotected child
whose parents have marooned him in the night,
becomes startled and thinks what other person
could be trudging through the rooms, whose nerves
begin to quiver with the slightest noise he hears,
so the voice of Rosalind shook Lethe;
and made him like a prisoner who jumps
at the sound of keys rattling when the guard appears
and lifts him out of a cold, unwanted bed,
so the shock passed through Lethe, who thought,
"Here is my dead mother."

We are attracted to the infinite

for the moment it lasts
something like the mathematics of miracles or continuous space
we sense it under every mundane awareness
we seize it once or twice
I imagine we're split into particles
each a smaller copy of the whole
we undergo a transformation
with our sudden sprawling capacity
we define an infinite goal
we are not the size of our own height
but the size of what we see
and it may seem foolish to even talk about
these moments
but we're tessellated and amplified
with electricity buzzing through us
even when the infinite seems improbable and distant
we're two mirrors exactly
parallel with our dreams
nesting a shared intuition
that must be discrete.

Garden Terrace Decoration

Hello users! If you have a terrace which is attached to hall, then go green and decorate with plants natural way. Keep some hanging decoration pieces like this to add more value.